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Why Job Referrals Will Help You Get Hired Faster

Elkanah Pang


We’ve all applied to countless jobs online, and then been stuck in limbo waiting for a response. While job hunting can feel like all your effort to craft the perfect application was wasted, it doesn’t have to be that way.

When job hunting sometimes all you need is a foot in the door to prove yourself in a person-to-person conversation. However, there’s just one door in to a small interview room, and outside hundreds, if not thousands, of people are all fighting to make their way in.

So how does one navigate through the crowds and get into that room? Let’s see what applying online is like.

Put yourself into a recruiter’s shoes- working 9 to 5 with a range of tasks such as tracking candidates, coordinating interviews, and of course screening job applicants.

A new position opened up and you’ve received 100 applications so far which you need to review by the end of the week. Now think about all the resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles you need to thoroughly look through to fairly evaluate each person…

Imagine needing to evaluate everyone on this list

In the ideal world you’d fully vet each applicant, examining every detail in their academic and professional lives, but doing so would mean spending days dedicated to just reviewing profiles. And who really wants to spend the time doing that.

Realistically you’re probably skimming and quickly judging and cutting out applicants who don’t immediately stand out. Unfortunately, perfectly qualified candidates will fall victim to the limited time and energy of recruiters and won’t make the initial cut.

However, there is hope to stand out in this seemingly bottomless sea of applicants.

One of the most time tested ways is to gain a VIP pass to the front through a referral.

Referrals give you a much higher chance of landing an interview, and thus the chance to truly showcase who you are. Here are some stats:

  • 82% of employers cited job referrals as their method of choice.
  • Referrals are 5x more effective than all other sources of hiring.
  • In the candidate pool 7% are referred, but of those who are hired 29% are from referrals.

So why do referrals work?

Take movie night at home, and remember how you picked a movie. With so many options out there, most of us end up scrolling through countless lists in search of the perfect one.

We typically are making quick decisions, glancing at a few factors such as covers, descriptions, and ratings, and foregoing thorough analysis on each. Trying to fairly evaluate each movie would just take too much time for what it’s worth.

However, think about when a friend recommends you 5 movies. You’re not going to see all 5 tonight, but in a way these movies have been pre-vetted from the masses, and thus are are worthy of more time looking through the description and reviews.

The movies on this recommended list have a much higher chance of making it.

You want to be one of those movies on the recommended list and fast track your way past all the other movies a recruiter will have to sift through.

There are dedicated referral systems at companies that systematically fast track you, so take advantage of them. Find people you know, old classmates, or even people in the companies and types of roles you want to be in and reach out.

Keep in mind, there’s a way to reach out that’s selfish and makes you look like an asshole, and a way that’s based in genuine human connection and care. However, it’s all to say don’t only apply online, but also reach out and talk with people as you’ll find this to be more effective and fulfilling.

